If you are given a selection of prizes to choose from, you'd select
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tatterdema1ion's avatar
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DieWildnis's avatar
Your selection to me seems a tad, how shall I put it, cliche? For myself, I cannot choose any of these because either I simply don't want it, such as power and omnipotence, or I feel I already have it (or will have it eventually.) Heaven, to me, contains happiness, immortality, love, and by it's very nature of God's existence, is Utopia. He too is power and omnipotence whereby I'll have eternity to learn from him and all the people around me. Eternity to write and do and create and love and get to know everyone in heaven and to constantly try new things without threat of pain or death in the company of good and awesome people. It might sound escapist, but I'd rather learn in perfection for eternity with all these things than spend any more on Earth or in Hell in isolation. 

So in essence, I suppose, I choose all of them with Yahweh. 
And I choose none of them on Earth or in Hell. To me, it is a waste to want anything either could offer.